Dearest Brother,
Another Friday afternoon and I've only just woken up. I've a Venti pike roast coffee next to my propped up toes on the living room table and Skinny Love plays in rhythm to my tapping fingers on the keys as I write you this letter. The words you sent me this morning brought a whole new orchestra of tears streaming from my eyes, bitter at the thought that you weren't in the next room, and sweet knowing that our bond has yet to begin to fade. I suppose you're right when you said that God put us together, that male and female rarely live in the same atmosphere without a strew of complications, but in our relationship there was only brotherly love and a perfect match of obsessions and desires.
I miss you terribly, so very very terribly, but I know that in following his will for our lives you had to go.
Please think of me often and don't forget all the great adventures we had together, and will someday have a again.
With love,
Your sister.